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— Declarations of Love —

I invite you to create an image (450*80 pixels) with «I love you»
in another language to add to my site. Of course you should
indicate what language you use.

Sometimes I receive letters with declarations, written as simple text.
That's not a problem 'cause you can not know how to create
images and how to make them of the appointed size. Where possible,
I'll make them myself or it'll be someone who wishes.

Declarations should be written with authentic symbols
of that language (not in latin transliteration)!

For example:


When ready, send your image to me by E-mail,
and you'll be able to see it after the next update.

If you don't mind, you may send your name with your image,
and I'll put it on the authors page.

— «Poste Restante» —

If you want to put your picture to the «Poste Restante«,
send me your image by E-mail.
Image will be in *.gif or *jpg files (450*80 pixels)

— Gallery «Around Love» —

If you want to add to the gallery, send me exhibits by E-mail.
If it's possible, please, indicate the author
or a link to the site, where you have found it.

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