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Subscribers of the site will be the first informed about developments on the site, news, and will receive new declarations by e-mail.

Subscription to the site is not entirely free, it is necessary to make some effort. Force, money, hands — as you like. To become a subscriber, you need to help a child who has special needs. Independently, or together with your beloved, you can help to children's home, send money to the children's cancer hospital, give toys to an orphanage or help somebody else — decide yourself.

We do not ask what exactly you did, and where you left a good name. We are not trying in any way to check you, leaving your actions on your conscience and your soul.

If you want to become a subscriber to the site, if you are willing to share a part of yourself for the sake of those who need it, please fill in the form below. You will receive an e-mail a link to confirm the subscription.

We do not know, whether love saves the world, but to make the world better, love, perhaps will be able. Together with you.

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